To SAP run: run mkbcdtape to build of assembly source. Blocking must be set to 1 line/record. Or the input can be read from the card reader. mkbcdtape -b1 -o attach cr0 -f cbn uatapeload.dck or uadrumload.dck boot cr0 \ Tapes: Bin tape A1 Out tape A2 Input tape A3 Library tape A4 temp Tape A5 Scratch tape A0 The listing will be on tape A2 and or printer depending on setting of Switch 5. Switches: Switch 1 - 1 read tape A3 - 0 read card reader Switch 2 - ? Switch 3 - 1 don't print to sysprinter, 0 print to sysprinter Switch 4 - Not used. Switch 5 - 1 write listing to A2, - 0 don't write to A2 To reload the SAP tape or load SAP onto the drum, use the following load deck: 1) Loader deck. ualtpsap.dck or ualdrsap.dck 2) Control card. In ualtpsap.dck & ualdrsap.dck 3) Pass 1,2,3. In ualtpsap.dck & ualdrsap.dck creates these tapes from the output of the assembly. The output from the assembly is the following deck. File: Card 1: Drum loader; Card 2: Drum control card; Card 3: Tape Loader; Card 4: Tape Control card; Card 5: Find END or FIN on input tape Card 6-23: Loader deck; Card 24-*: Main program Use cr0 for the i704 simulator or cr3 for the i7090 simulator in i704 mode. To load from deck to tape or drum: attach cr0 -f cbn ualtpsap.dck or ualdrsap.dck boot cr0 \ go 6231 \ Thanks go to Paul Pierce for making the SHARE tapes available. This program can be found on tape adc00037.bcd. And to Paul McJones for scanning the SAP manual.